Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Cost Savings Ideas

I've got a cost saving idea that helped me cut our Wal-Mart shopping bill in 1/2. I made a grocery list!! Each and every time I went to Wal-Mart, I had a list. I got only what was on that list. I made sure before I went that I wrote down what we HAD to have, no what I thought we needed. This way I didn't come home and have 5 jars of spaghetti sauce in the house!

I even went so far, for those geeks out there reading this, as to make an Excel spreadsheet that I updated each time I went with the items that we frequently bought and their price and how many I was getting. I could then go to Wal-Mart not only with a list of what to get, but I'd know ahead of time approx. how much I was spending!!! That was huge. I had already started a budget so I knew how much I had allowed for groceries and this helped keep me under that number. If all that I "needed" put me over the amount budgeted, I either didn't get certain things or I had to take money from another area (eating out, gas, etc...).

Trust me, it worked wonders!!



  1. Thanks for the idea. I called Big River and switched from AT&T. Two items of interest. One is I am saving money based on your tip. The other one is I was amazed when I called Big River and a person answered the telephone. She was nice and helpfull. When I called AT&T to tell them I switched I spoke to a machine for about a half hour. Finally someone in India answered the telephone. INDIA. The A in AT&T stands for America. Maybe they should keep the jobs in AMERICA and not send them to INDIA.

  2. I am so glad it was able to help you. Hopefully others will take advantage also. I've had an extremely good experience with Big River and have no problem recommending them to others.

    Thank you so much for the feedback. That's what this board is all about!

  3. Another idea that several people I know have tried that has helped saved about 10% on their electric bills is to put in a programmable thermostat. This keeps your house comfortable when you're there and let's it slide a bit when you're not home. This way, your heating or air conditioning aren't running all the time. You can check out more info on the government's Energy Star site at:
