Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Homemade Laundry Detergent Recipe

Here's a possible big cost saver. Thanks to Pam, a co-worker friend, for this recipe. She said this is what she's currently using at home and it makes a 5 gallon bucket. The one thing you'll notice is that it doesn't suds up, but it works well. You'll still want to use Shout or Spray & Wash for stains.

Thanks Pam!

1 5 gallon bucket or container
2 bars ivory soap grated (I've heard people use othe kinds but have never tried that.)
1 cup Borax (on the laundry soap shelves at wal-mart)
1 cup of Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (this is not washing soap). It will say detergent booster & household cleaner. I didn't find this at wal-mart it might be at Roziers. My daughter in Law found it in KC in a grocery store.
Melt the ivory soap in 12 cups of water over medium heat stirring frequently until all the ivory soap has dissolved. Remove from heat and add the Borax and Washing soda and stir until this is dissolved into the soap mixture completely. Pour 8 cups of Hot water in to the 5 gallon container, add soap mixture and stir. Add 2 gallons plus 12 cups of more water. Stir until all is blended. Let this mixture stand 24 hrs and it will gel. After 24 hrs stir again. Use ½ cup for each laundry load. It will be kind of solid on the top and more watery on the bottom so take something long to stir with. It will look globby not smooth but it works. It doesn't have suds but it gets the clothes clean for pennies.
Also I use white vinegar as a laundry softner instead of commercial ones, I also use it in my dishwasher instead of the very expensive rinse agents. I use 1 part water to 1 part vinegar for a cleaner, addind baking soda for an abrasive, also use bleach and water for a disinfected spray for my kitchen. I have also used 1 part Borax to 1 part washing soda for dishwasher detergent.

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